
Saturday, August 10, 2013

ASC Magazine Turns 6 Months Old

Today is August 10th, 2013 and we sent our subscribers the 6th edition of our magazine. It's been a lot of work but also a lot of fun.

When I started the ASC Magazine it was because everyone needed to know aquaponics on a worldwide scale. The possibility of finally ending world hunger was for the first time a real concept, with the help of aquaponics. I have never seen a food system before that combined healthy nutritious produce with proteins.

I truly believe as do others in this business, we can educate and feed the world with this way of growing. Imagine if we really could end hunger by teaching and educating everyone with aquaponics...

The magazine is a way for the average person to write and tell other people what they are doing. It gives someone inspiration to think that anything is possible. They too can achieve their own special time in the spotlight.

I certainly do not claim to have all the answers in aquaponics.  I will be the first person to tell you, there are some great people in this industry who have perfected aquaponics and are doing it very well. These people teach in ways that have thousands of others excited about the prospect of growing their own food.

In the past six months I have met some really wonderful people through the articles and stories. Not all of them were well known names in the aquaponics field either. Some people, were just really nice down to earth folks who are home growers. I love that we can all share the same passion. To grow food and help others to grow their own too. That is the ultimate reward!

We have made some friends along the way and they have inspired me to keep going no matter what. Special thanks to Murray Hallam who gave me a little pep talk when it was needed the most. Thanks, it's all coming together and yep it's all worthwhile :-)

One thing I have noticed about the people involved in aquaponics, is that they truly care about the food and what we are eating. That is why the magazine is special because we involve all points of view. You may or may not be an expert and I don't care about that. However what I do care about is that you have something to teach someone else. Experiences good or bad are still ways to teach others. NO-ONE can fail, they can only become better. There are thousands of people in this world that need to know how to feed themselves and how to sustain their families too.

The big agricultural companies want us to eat food that is not healthy for us. So if you know something that we don't, then write about it. Please consider becoming a teacher...that's what our magazine is about.

An opinion is fine and most of us have one, however it doesn't mean that everyone will agree with what you say. If you are NOT willing to share your opinions in a written article, then it's still just an opinion and nothing else. I challenge people to stop with the opinions and start writing them down into educational articles.  Let's see what you've got! I read this quote recently and I really liked it, "Opinions are like armpits, everyone has one and some of them stink." 

If you think $2.97 a month is too much for a subscription I have to ask; how many times do you buy coffee in a week? Starbucks is about $3.97 for a Grande coffee of any flavor, I know I bought one today. Here is our subscription page The subscription monies go towards building communities where people can learn about aquaponics, permaculture, organic gardening, Co-Ops and teach children too. This is a really good thing because it involves the future of growing.

Of course in the end YOU will decide where to fit into the greater scheme of things to come. Where YOUR future lies with produce, growing and educational resources.

To be...or...NOT to be...that is the question. Shakespeare I believe...

Warm regards

Victoria Kelley