
Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Movement For Change

Membership For Professionals

Over the last two years the ASC Magazine has put out content that has been targeted towards aquaponics, soil science, sustainability and other methods of healthy growing.

We believe that aquaponics is just one solution where people can get involved more in backyard growing, community gardens and school education. We also believe there is room for agriculture and Universities to promote their white papers, thesis and other education related to growing food.

The magazine has decided that for the benefit of everyone we have broadened our horizons and we now encourage people from all walks of life to become involved in the home-grown and organic movement towards food.

If you are a professional who would like to have your papers published, then contact us. We would like to hear from you. We also want to hear from other associations and community growing clubs who are experimenting or just have some really great ideas to share with other people.

We encourage EVERYONE to join our Professional Trade Membership and receive a FREE COPY of the ASC MAGAZINE.

If you are a science junkie we try to deliver different types of university studies to cater to people who need more answers. We also have a team of great writers who give the readers information they may not have. Some of the articles are simply written and others are filled with great resources with more involved information . 

Here are just a couple of comments we see a lot from happy and satisfied readers 

"The magazines are highly informative." -John Valsan 

"Thanks for a great magazine." -Kerry Bill

So if you would like to read some great information about growing food then why not sign yourself up on the Professional Trade Membership List?

If we don't have a lot of what you want to read more of, then contact us and let us know. We often send out surveys where we involve the readers in the type of content they want to see more of. We will listen and do our best to provide YOU the reader more of what you want to see. 

Happy Growing Everyone! 

Victoria Kelley

ASC Magazine Editor 

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