Joel Salatin and Educating Our Kids
This November the ASC Magazine will be highlighting an article written by Joel Salatin. Joel is a best selling author, international speaker and owner of Polyface Farms.
After meeting up with Joel at the Aquaponics Association Conference I asked him if he would be interested to write an article for our magazine.
Joel said "Yes I think I can do that," and wrote us a fantastic article about creating a bio-mimicry food system. He is a very friendly man and some of his E-Mails back and forth, had me laughing really hard. I love that down to earth, keep it real in people...
I have been a longtime fan of Joel's because many of his methods for growing food and raising farm animals I personally agree with. Heck, I grew up with chickens, ducks, horses, cows and sheep. We had a creek filled with Yabbies that we often caught and bought home for dinner. We had an abundance of wild rabbits that helped put food on the table too.
Looking back on my own childhood, I think I can honestly say these were some of the best educational years of my life. That's why in the November ASC Magazine we have asked a couple of schools to show us what they are doing in the way of educating kids about aquaponics and farming.
When you think about it, a child can learn very important lessons in regards to old fashioned farming and aquaponic growing. Below are just a couple of good points in favor of educating children this way:
Biology...learning about physical make-up of fish and animals.
Science...The understanding and importance of microbes, nematodes, oxygen, nitrogen, soil, water, plants, ammonia and how everything works together in nature.
Technology...water pumps, water flow and all kinds of electronic devices for aquaponics and farming equipment.
Mathematics...children learning how many seedlings they may need to plant in a square foot area. How many fish will someone need to grow produce in their aquaponics systems versus fish tank water volume. Sounds like math to me.
English...Learning to write better by keeping a diary of daily events and happenings. Keeping a record of agricultural endeavours can be very fulfilling. This can teach kids to write great stories and even turn out to be authors. Now imagine that...
Our kids can reap the rewards of better education through teaching them about simple things that many of us may have forgotten. In just one generation most of us have become unaware of how to farm and grow food. What our parents and grandparents once did out of neccessity is now almost unheard of. We absolutely have to bring that back to our children and education is the key...
Full Circle and the Rhythm of Life
Humanity has just about gone full circle with the back to basics for living, eating and educating. There are many people deciding to go back to the land because they see the long term benefits.
When we are gone who will be there to show children how to grow their own food? I have a beautiful little grandson who is 4 months old and I want him to know how to look after himself when I am no longer here. Aren't our kids worth it?
Most people are waking up to the fact that growing their own food is once again a neccessity for living healthy. So why not join the every growing array of people from every corner of the earth, who are learning, growing and enjoying the magazine every month?
The ASC Writers
Most people are waking up to the fact that growing their own food is once again a neccessity for living healthy. So why not join the every growing array of people from every corner of the earth, who are learning, growing and enjoying the magazine every month?
The ASC Writers
We have a great team of writers who do an amazing job regarding their articles. I have been very proud of the different writing styles. These are dedicated people who are trying to make a difference with their own form of educating the public. We write on alternative growing, organic foods, education with aquaponics, permaculture and solar.
The ASC Magazine can now stand on it's own merits for helping to educate and informing a whole new generation of people.
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